lunes, 8 de septiembre de 2014

Application of Human Talent to future

Circumstances such as the opening of markets, free trade and export orientation, cause many companies seek to prosper through business opportunities in global markets. 

However, if an organization is not prepared to face this challenge, globalization can become a serious problem. The arrival of transnational or larger companies to our market can be fatal if it is not competitive. 

Entering the global market depends on the rules you set the state (there are countries whose laws and regulations attract and facilitate investment) but, whatever the context, Human Resource Management must be prepared to assume their responsibilities.

The company today is not the same as yesterday, the daily changes that arise in the world known to influence the daily actions of each company; with this, each component of it to be molded to be optimally adjusted to the changes. 

Talent management should allow most humans have access to knowledge, long ago only had access only well-off people, this has changed by technological advances and has allowed us to be due to the globalization constant of a competitive world.

Management in Human Talent in the world

Talent management is a process that emerged in the 90s and continues adopted by companies realize the success.

Can not be left only the HR department's work to attract and retain employees. 

The shortening of the life cycles of products incorporating communications technology, the rapid development of the workforce, increased presence of women and the free movement of workers, the balance between work and family life , losservicios at competitive prices are some of the issues that have resulted in critical requirements to HR department.

The management of human talent in the world contains 6 important factors:

1. Increased competition and therefore the need to be competitive.

2. The costs and benefits related to the use of human resources.

3. The productivity crisis.

4. The increased pace and complexity of the social, cultural, regulatory changes  demographic and educational.

5. Symptoms of the alterations in the functioning parts of the work.

6. The trends for the next decade.

martes, 2 de septiembre de 2014

Human Talent and Society

The global trend demonstrated in the era of globalization the talent management is very important for the commercial and business development in the society. 

Organizations of this new century must be human processes within a context of markets and strategies. Today the challenge for business leaders is to build real spaces where the human component of the entire company to create, innovate and bring the best talent to compete successfully. 

Speaking of talent, knowledge and innovation we are talking about human characteristics; and if we refer to the consequences of the new economy: uncertainty, stress, unemployment and new forms of work, these factors are creating impactful consequences on human beings and society. 

We are entering the century of people and in this new world of multiple possibilities, reborn strategic importance to businesses for effective human resource management, development and cultivation of Intellectual Capital, the open spaces for Talent.

Talent Management

Talent management is the process that develops and incorporates new members to the workforce, and also develops and retains an existing human resource.

Talent management is a process that emerged in the 90s and continues to take for companies who realize what drives the success of your business are the talents and skills of its employees. Companies that have put into practice talent management have done to solve the problem of employee retention. The issue is that many organizations today, make a huge effort to attract employees to your company, but spend little time in the retention and development. 

Human Resource Management is the planning, organization, development and coordination, as well as control technology that can promote efficient staff performance, while the medium that allows people who work in it reach individual goals directly or indirectly related to the job.

A talent market is a strategy of training and employee development to be established in an organization. It is most beneficial to companies in the most productive employee can choose the projects and assignments that are most ideal for the particular employee 

The main aspects of talent management within an organization should always include: 5 

· Performance management 

· Leadership development 

· The human resources planning / identifying talent gaps 

· Recruitment

domingo, 24 de agosto de 2014

Training and Development

Training or staff development is any activity in an organization, responding to their needs, to improve the attitude, knowledge, skills or behaviors of their staff.
This is a process that leads to continuous improvement and thereby to implement new ways of working, as in this case a system that will be automated is to streamline processes and bring the company to adopt it to generate added value and contribute to continuous improvement through the implementation and training systems and users.

Some of those benefits for the company are: 

  • Helps prevent workplace hazards. 
  • Produce more positive attitudes. 
  • Increases profitability. 
  • Raise staff morale. 
  • Improved knowledge of the different jobs and, therefore, performance. 
  • Create a better image of the company. 
  • Enables staff to identify with the company. 
  • Improves boss-subordinate relationship. 
  • Facilitates understanding of company policies. 
  • Provides information about future staffing needs at all levels. 
  • Help you solve problems. 
  • Facilitates the promotion of employees. 
  • Increases productivity and quality of work. 
  • It promotes communication in the organization.

martes, 12 de agosto de 2014

Customer Service

Is the service provided by a company to interact with customers. It is a set of interrelated activities offered by a supplier in order that the customer gets the product at the time and place and proper use of the same is ensured. It is a marketing tool that can be very effective in an organization if used properly, for it must follow certain institutional policies.

Each company has specialized in the care of users and defines specific standards to listen, manage and provide solutions to concerns and complaints area. However, experts state that the service is an essential factor that involves all actors in the organization.

A good customer service can become a promotional item for so powerful sales and discounts, advertising and personal selling. 
Attracting a new customer is about six times more expensive than to keep one. So the companies have chosen to put in writing the performance of the company. 
They have observed that customers are sensitive to the service they receive from their suppliers, as it means that the customer will get to the final lower inventory costs.

miércoles, 30 de julio de 2014


The reason why the employee find a job, is the pay of his activity, a primary job in the company is do the payroll.

The payroll is divide in 3 parts, first the accrued that is the part that the employee whin fot his labor during the time of job, its compound by the basic wage, overtime, day and night, Sunday, holiday surcharges, fees, transport allowance etc...

The second is the deductions are the values ​​that will be deducted from the employee's payroll. These value have health and pension contributions that correspond to the employee. The warrants, judicial foreclosures, pension solidarity fund whenever appropriate, the withholding tax if the case demands, and any other officer authorized by the employee discount.

The result of subtracting the accrued deductions total is what is known as the net pay, which is what the worker actually receives.

Appropriations are the values ​​that the company must pay, such as health and pension in the percentage that corresponds, occupational hazards, fiscal contributions (Sena boxes compensation and the Institute for Family Welfare), social benefits (Prima services, severance, interest on severance, staffing, holidays).
Appropriations called because unlike the accrual to be paid at the end of her month, appropriations are paid on the first day of the following month or one year depending on the concept, so to be appropriated (provisioning) to have the resources enough when paying those values.

All payroll is made up of three parts, but not all payrolls must pay all concepts mentioned here, since some depend on amount of income the servery as in the case of pension solidarity fund and withholding , by warrant or credits that not all employees have it.

Occupational Health

When we gonna write about Occupational Health its the importance of the employee for the company, so for him healt and our confiance in his hability´s need to accept and apply the next rules.

based in the law 100 of 1993 of Colombian law, the company and the employee must be enrolled in pensions, health and occupational hazards.

The company must be realize promotion and prevention campaign, socialize the rules and require comply these rules, decree 1295, article 21, and for lay in the article 22 of the same decree the employee must comply all the rules of the company.

In case of a accident, the company must inform the government and the general sistem of occupational risk, who is conformed by:

The Ministry of Labour and Social Security and the Ministry of Health (Today Fused As Social Protection Ministry)
It is the agency of the State address on Occupational Risk. Its function is the determination of specific regimes of surveillance, the development of prevention and control of service delivery Health System affiliates under the conditions determined by law as

To implement its functions Technical Risk Management Professionals was created. This unit will be responsible for promoting prevention Professional Risk models, monitor and control the operation of the system and apply the penalties for violation of the rule

b) The National Council of Professional Risk
Agency address consists of members of the ministry, ARP Entities, Employees, Employers Associations and Scientific Occupational Health System.

c) The Committee National Occupational Health
System advisory body composed of members of the Ministry of Occupational Health and ARP

d) Professional Background Risk
It aims to develop research, campaigns and advocacy and outreach for the prevention of occupational risks

e) Joints Qualified Disability
They are private agencies created by law. Its members are appointed by the Ministry of Social Protection. Through labor medical opinion, resolve disputes subscribed against the determination of the origin and / or degree of disability, permanent or partial disability, occupational illness, accident or death of members of the system.

f) The Banking Superintendency
Control, authorize, monitor and guarantee the exercise of free competition to ARP Entities

g) Entities of Professional Risk Managers ARP
Life Insurance Companies of which have been allowed by the Banking Superintendency for the exploitation of the field of insurance. They must fulfill the following functions:

* Affiliate workers

* Manage the contributions made ​​to the system

* Ensure the recognition of welfare and economic benefits of workplace accidents and occupational diseases

* Undertake prevention and promotion of occupational risks to affiliated companies

Once time the ARL have informed of the unfortable event do the calification of the accident.

class I
Includes activities considered of minimal risk
* Bulk of business
* Financing Activities
* Office Jobs
* Schools
* Restaurants
class II
Low risk activities
* Some manufacturing procedures like making rugs, fabrics, garments.
* Stores department
* Alunas farming
class III
Medium risk activities
* Manufacturing processes such as manufacturing needles, alcohol, food, automotive, leather
class IV
* Manufacturing processes such as oils, beers, glasses
* Galvanizing Processes
* Transportation
class V
Maximum risk
* Areneras
* Management of Asbestos
* Fire
* Handling of explosives
* Construction
* Oil Exploitation

viernes, 25 de julio de 2014

Salary Administration

Is the gratification received at the  employees in exchange for services rendered to the employer. 
The administration of the personnel department ensures employee satisfaction, which in turn helps the organization to obtain, maintain and retain a productive workforce.

Within the salary management, are included planning of human resources including, the recruitment, selection, location, development, performance appraisals and career planning that help coordinate individual efforts with the general strategies the company.

Nominal Salary: It  that which is agreed with the worker through the contractual process. 

Real Wages: Is what the worker actually receiving, considering the cost of living. 

Piece rates: It is that you pay for the units produced. 

Basic Salary: According to their relative value within the organization. 

Salary money: It is that which is paid in monetary units of the environment where they work. 

Wages for time: Is the worker assigned to a limit of time. 

Minimum wage: It is that fixed by the government decree, usually every year. With that set amount the government estimates that a person normally ensures their survival in the environment.

miércoles, 16 de julio de 2014

Administration of The Human Talent

Is defined as the planning, organization, coordination and development to promote the performance of employees in the company.

The administration of human talent are the technical and administrative concepts can improve the productivity and performance of employees.

The techniques in personnel management applied to workers and line managers have had positive impacts on productivity and performance.
The organizations are composed of people, the study of them is the basic element to study organizations, particularly Human Resource Management.