lunes, 8 de septiembre de 2014

Application of Human Talent to future

Circumstances such as the opening of markets, free trade and export orientation, cause many companies seek to prosper through business opportunities in global markets. 

However, if an organization is not prepared to face this challenge, globalization can become a serious problem. The arrival of transnational or larger companies to our market can be fatal if it is not competitive. 

Entering the global market depends on the rules you set the state (there are countries whose laws and regulations attract and facilitate investment) but, whatever the context, Human Resource Management must be prepared to assume their responsibilities.

The company today is not the same as yesterday, the daily changes that arise in the world known to influence the daily actions of each company; with this, each component of it to be molded to be optimally adjusted to the changes. 

Talent management should allow most humans have access to knowledge, long ago only had access only well-off people, this has changed by technological advances and has allowed us to be due to the globalization constant of a competitive world.

Management in Human Talent in the world

Talent management is a process that emerged in the 90s and continues adopted by companies realize the success.

Can not be left only the HR department's work to attract and retain employees. 

The shortening of the life cycles of products incorporating communications technology, the rapid development of the workforce, increased presence of women and the free movement of workers, the balance between work and family life , losservicios at competitive prices are some of the issues that have resulted in critical requirements to HR department.

The management of human talent in the world contains 6 important factors:

1. Increased competition and therefore the need to be competitive.

2. The costs and benefits related to the use of human resources.

3. The productivity crisis.

4. The increased pace and complexity of the social, cultural, regulatory changes  demographic and educational.

5. Symptoms of the alterations in the functioning parts of the work.

6. The trends for the next decade.

martes, 2 de septiembre de 2014

Human Talent and Society

The global trend demonstrated in the era of globalization the talent management is very important for the commercial and business development in the society. 

Organizations of this new century must be human processes within a context of markets and strategies. Today the challenge for business leaders is to build real spaces where the human component of the entire company to create, innovate and bring the best talent to compete successfully. 

Speaking of talent, knowledge and innovation we are talking about human characteristics; and if we refer to the consequences of the new economy: uncertainty, stress, unemployment and new forms of work, these factors are creating impactful consequences on human beings and society. 

We are entering the century of people and in this new world of multiple possibilities, reborn strategic importance to businesses for effective human resource management, development and cultivation of Intellectual Capital, the open spaces for Talent.

Talent Management

Talent management is the process that develops and incorporates new members to the workforce, and also develops and retains an existing human resource.

Talent management is a process that emerged in the 90s and continues to take for companies who realize what drives the success of your business are the talents and skills of its employees. Companies that have put into practice talent management have done to solve the problem of employee retention. The issue is that many organizations today, make a huge effort to attract employees to your company, but spend little time in the retention and development. 

Human Resource Management is the planning, organization, development and coordination, as well as control technology that can promote efficient staff performance, while the medium that allows people who work in it reach individual goals directly or indirectly related to the job.

A talent market is a strategy of training and employee development to be established in an organization. It is most beneficial to companies in the most productive employee can choose the projects and assignments that are most ideal for the particular employee 

The main aspects of talent management within an organization should always include: 5 

· Performance management 

· Leadership development 

· The human resources planning / identifying talent gaps 

· Recruitment